Name Class C. Type Icons Traits Set Encounter
Containing the Outbreak Mythos Act The Dream-Eaters 69 Waking Nightmare 7
Corrupted Orderly Mythos Enemy Humanoid. Staff. Spider. The Dream-Eaters 82 Waking Nightmare 21-22
Dr. Shivani Maheswaran: Emergency Physician Neutral Asset Ally. Medic. The Dream-Eaters 80 Waking Nightmare 18
Emergency Room Mythos Location St Mary's. The Dream-Eaters 71 Waking Nightmare 9
Experimental Therapies Ward Mythos Location St Mary's. The Dream-Eaters 72 Waking Nightmare 10
Halls of St. Mary's Mythos Agenda The Dream-Eaters 64 Waking Nightmare 2
Hospital of Horrors Mythos Agenda The Dream-Eaters 66 Waking Nightmare 4
Looking for Answers Mythos Act The Dream-Eaters 67 Waking Nightmare 5
Morgue Mythos Location St Mary's. Basement. The Dream-Eaters 75 Waking Nightmare 13
Operating Room Mythos Location St Mary's. Basement. The Dream-Eaters 76 Waking Nightmare 14
Outbreak Mythos Treachery Hazard. The Dream-Eaters 83 Waking Nightmare 23-25
Private Room Mythos Location St Mary's. Basement. The Dream-Eaters 77 Waking Nightmare 15
Randolph Carter: Chained to the Waking World Neutral 3 Asset. Ally Ally. Dreamer. The Dream-Eaters 79 Waking Nightmare 17
Records Office Mythos Location St Mary's. The Dream-Eaters 73 Waking Nightmare 11
Search for the Patient Mythos Act The Dream-Eaters 68 Waking Nightmare 6
Stairwell Mythos Location St Mary's. The Dream-Eaters 74 Waking Nightmare 12
Suspicious Orderly Mythos Enemy Humanoid. Staff. The Dream-Eaters 81 Waking Nightmare 19-20
The Infestation Begins... Mythos Story The Dream-Eaters 78 Waking Nightmare 16
The Infestation Spreads Mythos Agenda The Dream-Eaters 65 Waking Nightmare 3
Waiting Room Mythos Location St Mary's. The Dream-Eaters 70 Waking Nightmare 8
Waking Nightmare Mythos Scenario The Dream-Eaters 63 Waking Nightmare 1