Um... I have questions :P
1) I feel a very important aspect of the front of the card was omitted from the inclusion list: The name of the investigator!!!
Is this by design? In other words are you meant to still have the name of you original character, preventing unique cards and unique weaknesses from breaking or do you now have another name such that a whole lot of unique cards no longer work (Sefinas Painted world and her weakness for example would both be unable to find any card beneath Sefina, if you now have another name and therefore there is no Sefina. Luke Robinson can not enter the dream gate if his name chances etc etc).
If you do not change name there is a whole plethora of investigators that reference themselves in the abilities on the front of the card, so those would stop working if you retain your old name.
Both switching name and not switching names creates many strange and broken interactions :P
2) What happens if a character capable of putting investigator cards under itself (like Diana or Sefina) uses this to turn into Amanda Sharp? Amandas ability is not worded with multiple cards in mind so you would have to do a bunch of guessing how this works out.