The Final Err

The full text of the german front:

Du zückst die Schlüssel, die du gesammelt hast,
und machst dich bereit. Wenn es dir nicht gelingt,
dieses Wesen zu verbannen und diese Dimension
zum Einsturz zu bringen,
wird es das Ende
von dir
sein – ohne dass jemals jemand davon
erfährt. Jetzt zählt es! Deine letzte Chance,
bevor nichts mehr von dir übrig ist, nichts
mehr von dir übrig ist, nichts

trazoM · 9
Conflux of Consequence

Here is the translated text of the german front:

Du bist hergekommen, um uns zu
binden, aber wir haben dich schon vor
langer, langer Zeit gefunden. Du wirst
nichts weiter sein als ein Baustein im
Monument, unserem Gebet an
die Älteren. Seht unseren großen Tempel
und hört unseren Ruf, Oh ihr großen
Alten Jenseits des Jenseitigem!

trazoM · 9
Mind Wipe

As has been pointed out by MrGoldbee's review comment in the upgraded version, this card can and should also be used to specifically blank (and therefore counter) the Victory keyword.

To avoid spoilers, let's just say that there exist a number of scenarios which punish you for having certain enemies in the victory display, almost always having "Victory 0".

Oh, and then there is that revenge plot fantasy of mine against Stubborn Detective - blankception!

AlderSign · 298
I'm so forgetful I drew a [blank]. — MrGoldbee · 1462
Miracle Wish

TLDR: If you're running Kohaku, || Wendy, or || Father Mateo, this may be worth considering if you have enough teammates with reasonably powerful Elder Signs. Teammates that synergize especially well are: Charlie Kane, Standard Father Mateo, Silas Marsh, Standard Wendy Adams, and William Yorick.

Under the right conditions, this card effectively grants you 3+ copies of slightly weaker Lucky! (3)'s (trading +1 & draw for other benefits) for 5xp which is pretty good. But in order to achieve that, your team composition needs to be built around this card which significantly limits its general playability.

|| Father Mateo would be the best enabler with Kohaku & || Wendy as the next best as these 3 can enable getting 3+ wishes consistently (Draw a bless, Favor of the Sun, & their ability/signature items).

The following investigators work well with Miracle Wish.

  • Survivor:

    • "Ashcan" Pete - +2, readies Duke.
    • Rita Young - +2, opens up her ability.
    • Silas Marsh - Likely a +2/+3, skill recursion.
    • Wendy Adams - Easy to fulfill auto-success.
    • William Yorick - +2, unrestricted recursion.
  • Guardian:

    • Leo Anderson - +2, an ally tutor effect.
    • Tommy Muldoon - +2, damage/horror transfer.
  • Rogue:

    • Alessandra Zorzi - +2, a free auto-evade.
    • Preston Fairmont - Easy to fulfill auto-success (unless you're Broke Preston).
    • Sefina Rousseau - +3, pseudo draw 1.
    • "Skids" O'Toole - +2, gain 2 resources.
    • Tony Morgan - +2, gain 1 bounty.
    • Trish Scarborough - +2, conditionally useful effect (remote investigation).
  • Mystic:

    • Amina Zidane - +2, doom transfer shenanigans.
    • Dexter Drake - +2, ability to bounce an asset and draw 1.
    • Diana Stanley - +2, pseudo draw 1.
    • Father Mateo - Auto-success w/ bonuses.
    • Lily Chen - +2, flip a Broken discipline.
  • Seeker:

    • Amanda Sharpe - +2~+4 depending on her card.
    • Rex Murphy - +2, can auto-fail to draw 3 cards.
  • Neutral:

    • Charlie Kane - +3, ready an ally.
    • Lola Hayes - +2, lets you switch roles.
    • Subject 5U-21 - +2, lets you return a devoured card.

The following Elder Signs only grant +1, but have either guaranteed effects or an especially powerful effect (Nathaniel Cho):

  • Carolyn Fern - Let's you heal 1 horror from an investigator or ally.
  • Daniela Reyes - Conditional auto-success.
  • Darrel Simmons - Grants an evidence.
  • Joe Diamond - Lets you add back a card to your Hunch deck.
  • Kymani Jones - Conditional auto-success.
  • Luke Robinson - Gets a charge back on Gate Box.
  • Marie Lambeau - Better doom manipulation than Amina's IMO.
  • Nathaniel Cho - Event recursion on a successful fight. Incredibly strong, but can be difficult to proc with Miracle Wish.
  • Patrice Hathaway - Lets you shuffle her discard back into her deck.
  • Ursula Downs - Let's you move.
  • Vincent Lee - Let's you heal 1 damage from an investigator or ally.
gByakko · 4
Love this analysis. Keep it up! :) — MrGoldbee · 1462
I appreciate the sentiment! — gByakko · 4
Carson Sinclair

Please find my parody song and short guide on how Carsons ability can ironically lead to quarterbacking, or indeed how to slowly coerce your friends into buttlering for you, at this link: .

Not my best. It has been a few years and im clearly a bit rusty. I have moved it to this link as some people were frustrated when scrolling past it due to length:


Please don’t add to the comments. They are also already on the long side and making the matter worse. Happy to take thoughts by DM on discord. Meanwhile – back to adb retirement for me I think.

StartWithTheName · 69940
Huge thanks to @Jaxtrasi for bringing me out of parody song retirement with his review of Call of the unknown ( I forgot how much fun these were to write. — StartWithTheName · 69940
Lame. — MrGoldbee · 1462
Annnnd less than 24hrs before a lazy insult. Now I remember why I gave up on Arkhamdb. Too many vocal toxic players to wade through to get to talk to the much larger group of nice folk. @McGoldbee. If people like you can put someone as engaged in the community as I am off the game, imagine what it does to newcomers. Its not exactly the best image for the hobby. — StartWithTheName · 69940
Your song parody is annoying to scroll past, repeating the last line a 16 full times. Rage Against the Machine rules and this parody is lame. If you want more time before an insult I can repeat my critique in a year. — MrGoldbee · 1462
Your first line doesn’t have the same syllables. The original has 14, your version has 15. The poetic foot is also wrong. The original phrase, “some of those who work forces” goes stressed unstressed stressed un stressed, double stressed (For Sez). Yours, “some fighting occult forces” is stressed stressed stressed, unstressed (o CULT) double stressed. — MrGoldbee · 1462
This is also taking a parody of one of the most popular anti-police protest songs of all time, and using it to say “Carson can give people actions and is a Butler.” Many song parodies are good, and there are even ones on this site that are good (once that hyperlink specific cards as punch lines, for example.) but now that I have shown you the amount of effort I’m going to put in, I have come to the conclusion: if you want community, it’s streaming on Peacock. This is a card review website. — MrGoldbee · 1462
As someone @MrGoldbee got into the game, I gotta say; maybe it's a case of 'You could have picked a way better song'? Scrolling past it was a tad annoying and the next song was half the length. Also, you @'d him wrong. — MrNerdyGeeky · 1
@MrGoldbee why so serious?? "Annoying to scroll past", like... seriously? If you don't like it, is it so hard to ignore it for a week and never see it ever again? We like your reviews of cards, but sometimes a fun review with a song that makes some people smile is also what makes this community such a unique place. This place belongs to the diversity of people who play this game, it was made inclusive, and I personally love it this way. — Valentin1331 · 71159
I don't care for these song 'reviews' at all. At least the reviews that ask questions are short and quick to scroll past, and are sometimes useful. These are just an exercise in vanity. — jemwong · 95
Listen guys, im not looking to start a fight here. Or really call someone out or anything. Rudeness (accidental or otherwise) always warrants a response. Mainly to give people an idea of how they are coming across and the option to adapt/rephrase things, particularly if they are unaware. I was at least partly trying to explain that things like these have wider consequences than might be apparent. This sort of thing genuinely put me off the game about a year and a half ago, and I’m a middle aged man with pretty comfortable life I guess. There are vulnerable people in our community for whom it can be much worse. Again explaining not shaming here, but we do need to be careful about these things. I do now see what you mean about it being a long song. Apologies for the scrolling, it’s the same lines as the lyrics listed ofc. It’s clearly a longer song on paper than it is in my head. Theres a lot of repetition with the difference in lines reflected in inflection I guess. This is hard to portray in text. I did at least do a little staging on the earlier bits. Anyway. These arnt meant to be perfect revisions of the original. Im just not that musically talented. I was just looking to share some analogies and puns that amused me with those who might enjoy them. Lighten their day a bit. And in this context, its often worth occasionally sacrificing syllable/inflection matching in places imo. Its meant to be silly, or I suppose “lame” as you put it, rather than “good”. No one thinks their song is publishable. I have no plans to release an album. These songs are easter eggs for the site really. That all said, if you read them carefully, (I think) all of my songs have a point and provide a review of sorts or tips built in. Maybe not the very first ones? Anyway, in this case its not exactly subtle or intended to be, but the whole point is to show how his ability can slowly creep into authorised quarterbacking. The irony that this reverses the bultering theme is interesting to me. As are the analogies with the themes of indoctrination and obedience in the original song being reversed… and how in doing so you change from phrases that I imaging a moderate would ask me to remove, to ones that are at least still sinister if coercive rather than overtly defiant (a very upper class alternative). It looks like we do all at least agree it’s beast of a song (the original, not mine). As a man feeling his age having learned yesterday that some of the younger players didn’t know what song it was, it is at least nice to hear that is still precious to others. I don’t think ive chosen to parody a song I didn’t think was a legend. — StartWithTheName · 69940
A compromise would be to not "like" reviews like these so that they stay at the bottom of the page where you don't really have to scroll past them. Might be counterintuitive to people who actually like the review, though ;) — AlderSign · 298
It's funny how defensive we're getting about someone posting their random off topic parody review when no one at all stands up for people who ask questions about the card as a review and get directed to go elsewhere. — Spamamdorf · 5
I didn’t realise that sort of thing happened @spamamdorf, at least commonly. Im more active (or used to be) on the decklist/guide side. Unprovoked attacks against someone trying to do something nice are probably directed at a someone who knows the wider community (discords and whatnot) arnt like that. People posting questions are more likely casual/new players. If they are being aggressively chased off (rather than politely redirected if that’s the sites rules), then I agree thats much worse. Few people would consider getting deeper into a hobby if they expect to have interactions like that later on. This post will have had more attention because I sent it to a few friends/groups before the drama started, but understandably people generally avoiding arguments they are not directly involved in (I certainly do). So I can see why rules questions might not get the same defence, certainly not quickly enough. — StartWithTheName · 69940
Your two-page off-topic parady review of questionable taste was criticized, so you feel justified in raising a huge fuss about toxicity and inclusiveness and tone-policing, write multi-paragraph text-block defenses of your parody song, and portray the criticism as a personal attack turning you off the game. MrGoldbee was rude, but I don't like your reaction any much more. — suika · 9462
You make some fair points Suika, I guess im not known for being concise. My first reply was true but indeed tempered by frustration. An old friend reached out to me so I pop back on to give it a bash again and problems start so quickly. My second reply was me trying to explain this, how similar things had affected me in the past, and offer opportunities to make amends and find common ground (please read it in a neutral tone, and read to the end if you have doubts). If you read between the lines on it, I was also trying to make sure others don’t pile on. As soon as I posted it (ie before the drama) I had sent this to a few public places where old friends from my deck listing days still hang out. Some of them know what I went through when I first gave up on the site and had expressed concern/comradery. I didn’t want them (or anyone else) trying to help me out here and inadvertently making things worse. — StartWithTheName · 69940
Anyway, you cant edit comments on here. But I can edit the original post. I have moved it to a link to make things shorter to scroll past. Apologies again for the unexpected length on the original. I suggest we just let this feed die and move on with life. — StartWithTheName · 69940
What a depressing read this was. Essentially, some pleasant bloke wanted to entertain people. Then a group of emotionally illiterate people laid into him online. Shame on you. — mythosmeeple · 454