Pelt Shipment

How this card interact with a backpack? Its a supply card so it can be attached to backpack... however as it has no cost, it cannot be played. I guess i cannot just draw that card from a backpack (for a action) right ať the end of the game... and cards in the backpack are not considered to be in the hand...

You are right. You would have to get rid of Backpack first and then fetch Pelt Shipment from your discard pile (which is not that hard with certain cards). — AlderSign · 232
Or You can simply don't put Pelt Shipment under backpack from its research and draw it "manually"!! :-) — Piegura · 1

You would be surprised about how many cards end your turn in this game.

As long as you failed at least one skill test during your turn, you essentially say "Nope!" when the game really wants you to not be able to do anything anymore. This gets especially laughable when the "end your turn" effect comes from a failed skill test (and even for only that one action it's worth playing Lifeline, because giving the scenario the finger is always a good thing).

AlderSign · 232
This doesn't actually work unfortunately. Since it doesn't cancel or substitute an effect that would end your turn, it really does only work when your turn would end due to running out of actions. — SSW · 207
"I'll see you in hell!"

With Makeshift Trap (Improved Timer. + Net.) and some other tricks (Lure/Lure, Bait and Switch, "Get over here!"/"Get over here!", Predator or Prey) you can have your own antimatter singularity for 6 less XP than the boring vanilla Poisonous. + Explosive Device. combo.

Probably still only worth it in Calvin, but this way I think you can truly maximize the output of "I'll see you in hell!".

(I guess it's also viable in Tommy since he can easily take the trauma.)

AlderSign · 232