- Q: When I commit Daredevil to another investigator's skill test during Step 2, will the effect successfully and completely resolve, committing a second card to that skill test? Because there is no rule saying that you cannot commit more than 1, and the Step 2 rule that allows you to commit is permissive for that Step but doesn't restrict beyond that step, some community members believe that the second card commit would be permitted. Am I allowed to commit the card that Daredevil finds to my friends' investigation? Can I commit a card during Step 2 to another investigator, and then also trigger Astronomical Atlas or play Practice Makes Perfect in the triggered ability window immediately afterwards to effectively commit a second card? A: MJ encourages you to think of the rule stating you can commit 1 card to another player’s test as a permitted amount, but not a hard limit. Card effects can enable you to commit more than 1 card to another person’s skill test.
- With Daredevil, you can commit it and the card it searches for to another investigator’s skill test.
- With Practice Makes Perfect and Astronomical Atlas, both allow ways for you to commit an additional card to an eligible skill test, regardless of if you already committed to that test already.
Fortune. Practiced.
After you commit Daredevil to a skill test, discard cards from the top of your deck until you discard a skill you can commit to this test. Commit it. Shuffle each weakness that was discarded by this effect back into your deck.
"I know! Isn't it wonderful?"
Latest Taboo
Instead of "Shuffle each weakness that was discarded…", this card's ability now reads: "After this skill test resolves, draw each weakness discarded by this effect."

Related Cards
- Daredevil (2) (Point of No Return #240)
(from the official FAQ or responses to the official rules question form)Reviews
I wrote a question to FFG's official rules forum.
Q: What would happen when I commit card like Daredevil or Copycat to another player at my location? Will the cards see no legal targets for the "after" ability since you can only commit 1 card to another player per skill test and I have already committed the Daredevil/Copycat as the one card? The other way I see it is that it lets you commit another card through the ability because of the Golden Rule. If that is the case does the same work for cards like Practice Makes Perfect or Butterfly Effect?
A: The rules permit each investigator to only commit 1 card to a skill test performed by another investigator. However, investigators may use card effects to commit more than 1 card in this way. In other words, the rules permit only 1 card to be committed, but it’s not a hard maximum. If you commit something like Daredevil with your 1 allowed committed card, you may use Daredevil’s ability to then commit a second card, and that is totally legal. Same goes for any other effect that instructs you to commit 1 or more cards.
So, the 0 Exp version of the card allows us to discard our whole deck except weakness cards in case it's the only rogue skill card we play. To what purpose? Live fast and die young? Probably. But we can think about some shenanigans like playing improvised stuff that will replenish our now very thin deck afterwards: Improvised Weapon, Winging It, Impromptu Barrier. Other interesting options are A Glimmer of Hope and Miss Doyle's cat's (Augur, Hope, Zeal). Of course reaching 1 lonely card in the deck is extremely difficult. Daredevil has the right trait for Practice Makes Perfect, and of course is good target for No Stone Unturned. Mixing so many classes seems impossible, so maybe if we want to play Daredevil in this evil way we should look at Versatile. Another option is to play Survivor/Rogue, bring enough beers to our boardgame afternoon and ask for help to our fellow seeker player. Just promise eternal friendship to our drunk teacher in exchange for his No Stone Unturned.
(review edited 2023-09-10)
Disclaimer: this interpretation is just mine, and not offical one.
Original version: if all of the following conditions hold, discarded weakness would not be shuffled into the deck. It means that the weakness can be passed.
- Only the single weakness card is discarded.
- No compatitable rogue skill card exist. It means all cards in the deck should be discarded.
- The test is initiated during the playing a card (commonly event) or during the revalation of the effect.
This is reinterpretation of FAQ point 1.13, linked here.
Taboo 2.1 (2023-08-30): if all of the following conditions hold, discarded weakness would not be drawn. It means that the weakness can be passed.
- No compatitable rogue skill card exist. It means all cards in the deck should be discarded.
- After Daredevil is committed, you need to draw at least 1 card before the end of the test to rebuild your deck. The player window exists. Here is the example:
- The test is successful with Perception or Lucky Cigarette Case (only level 0).
- Unrelenting
- Any fast draw source: Empirical Hypothesis, Cryptic Research, Tempt Fate
Notable things:
- The number of weaknesses in the deck is not important, now.
- The deck is needed to be rebuilded and cannot stay discarded.
This is reinterpretation of the offical FAQ related to Pilfer found in offical FAQ document and arkhamDB Pilfer FAQ.