Blasted Heath - Back
The summits are too rounded and symmetrical to give a sense of comfort and naturalness, and sometimes the sky silhouettes with especial clearness the queer circles of tall stone pillars with which most of them are crowned.
-H.P. Lovecraft, "The Dunwich Horror"
-H.P. Lovecraft, "The Dunwich Horror"
Shroud: 4. Clues: 3.
: You lure the creature into a patch of sand. Investigators in Blasted Heath may, as a group, place up to 2 of their clues on an Abomination enemy in Blasted Heath. (Group limit once per game).
The ground here is loose and barely supports your weight.
Frej Agelii
Undimensioned and Unseen #248. Undimensioned and Unseen #13.

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- Blasted Heath (Undimensioned and Unseen #249)
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