Act. Stage 2
Clues: –
As you ascend the hill, the environment around you grows increasingly strange and otherworldly. The arcane energy feels even stronger here, crackling in the air and crawling on your skin.
Clues cannot be placed on non-Altered locations.
Objective - When an investigator enters Sentinel Peak, advance.
Lino Drieghe
Where Doom Awaits #280. Where Doom Awaits #7.
Will the Change - Back
Approaching the peak of Sentinel Hill, you are confronted by several citizens of Dunwich. The man in the center of their circle is desperately trying to complete a Latin incantation. "It's not working, Seth!" one of the other men cries out. "What're we gonna do?" The man in the center stops his chant and pulls out a cobbler's knife. "The father demands a blood sacrifice," he declares, and his face twists into a crazed expression. Before you can react, he slits his left wrist with the knife, dropping to his knees in agony. The headstone of the altar behind him splits open. A torrent of energy pours out of the stone, coalescing into the form of an open gate. Seth holds onto the stone in front of him to prevent himself from being sucked into the gate, but several of the others are startled and pulled through it. You barely manage to dig your heels in and grab hold of a nearby rock in time to resist the pull of the gate. Seth rises, wounded but alive. An expression of pride spreads across his pained face.
Put the set-aside Seth Bishop enemy into play at Sentinel Peak, with 1 damage on him.

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