Notre-Dame - Back

The most famous cathedral in all of Paris, and one of the finest examples of gothic architecture in the world, Notre-Dame de Paris - "Our Lady of Paris" - is an icon of the city. Light shines out from its stained glass windows, and you can hear a pipe organ inside blaring a bizarre, chaotic melody.


Paris. Rail.

Shroud: 3. Clues: 1.

Each enemy at Notre-Dame gets -1 fight and +1 evade.

: Test (6). If you succeed, either place 1 doom on the current agenda, or remove 1 doom from the current agenda. (Group limit once per game.)

Lucas Staniec
A Phantom of Truth #219. A Phantom of Truth #20.


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Can someone clarify the mining of (Group limit once per game) on such cards? This means group can get succeed result once per game or group can TRY to get succeed result once per game? And if first attempt will be losed this abbility will be inactive for the rest of scenario?

Fullgrimm · 1
A "group limit," however, applies to the entire group of investigators. (For example, if an investigator triggers an ability that is "group limit once per game," no other investigator may trigger that ability during that game.) — Helembor · 1
Triggered_Abilities — Helembor · 1
The limit applies to the entire ability, not just the effects of a successful test. So the group can only attempt the test once. — TheNameWasTaken · 3
Thank you! Its pretty clear now. — Fullgrimm · 1