Curiositie Shoppe - Back
Northside is connected to Curiositie Shoppe.
Owned by Oliver Thomas, the self-styled "Curiositie Shoppe" in Northside is an unusual store. On display in the front window is a collection of odd trinkets: a brass coal scuttle, a perambulator, an antique globe, and a model sailing ship, to name just a few.
Shroud: 2. Clues: 2.
Northside is connected to Curiositie Shoppe.
While you are in the Curiositie Shoppe, reduce the cost of each relic asset you play by 2.
Victory 1.
A brass bell clangs as you push open the front door. Inside, the shop is dusty and disorganized. Inspecting the unusual wares on display causes the hair on your arms to stand on end.
Yoann Boissonnet
Threads of Fate #142. Threads of Fate #30.

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