

Check Campaign Log. If there are 16 or more tally marks under "Yig's Fury":

Ichtaca refuses your plea. Flip this card back over.

If there are 15 or fewer tally marks:

Ichtaca ceases her assault and listens to your words. "Valusia must be returned to glory. There is no other way," she decrees with bitter certainty. "Help us to achieve this goal, and you can join with us. Yig will remake you in his image, and we shall live together in our timeless paradise of Valusia."

The investigators must decide (choose one):

- "I could never turn my back on humanity!" Flip this card back over, exhausted and unengaged. For the remainder of the scenario, you cannot parley with Ichtaca.

- "I accept." Remove this card and Act 4a - "Mend the Shatter" from the game and advance to the set-aside Act 4a - "Paradise Lost". For the remainder of the scenario, you cannot parley with Alejandro Vela, and Serpent enemies do not engage or attack you.

Shattered Aeons #325. Shattered Aeons #.

Scion of Yig


Humanoid. Monster. Serpent. Elite.

Fight: 4. Health: 6. Evade: 4.
Damage: 2. Horror: 1.

Hunter. Retaliate

: Parley. Test (5) to plead for your life. If a symbol is revealed during this test, you automatically succeed. If you fail, Ichtaca attacks you. If you succeed, flip this card over and resolve its text.

Victory 2.
Guillaume Ducos
Shattered Aeons #325. Shattered Aeons #12.
Yig's Mercy


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