Gavriella Mizrah
Private Security
- 3
- 2
- 4
- 1
Health: 8.
Sanity: 4.
After an enemy attacks you, even if that attack was canceled: Discover 1 clue at your location. (Limit once per round.)
effect: +1. Heal 1 damage and 1 horror.
Ilich Henriquez
The Circle Undone #46. Disappearance at the Twilight Estate #4.
Gavriella Mizrah - Back
Setup: You begin play in the Victorian Halls. Place 1 damage on The Spectral Watcher. Search the gathered cards for 1 copy of Fate of All Fools and put it into play in your threat area. You begin with 1 resource instead of 5.
Starting Play Area: .45 Automatic (Core 16) with 2 ammo tokens remaining, Physical Training (Core 17).
Opening Hand: First Aid (Core 19), Guard Dog (Core 21), Evidence! (Core 22), Dodge (Core 23), Extra Ammunition (level 1) (Core 26), 2 copies of Delay the Inevitable (TCU 21).
A former member of the Haganah, Gavriella Mizrah now works private security for wealthy homeowners. Josef Meiger - a man who takes confidentiality quite seriously - has retained Gavriella to make sure there are no problems during tonight's event. But even she is not prepared for what is to come.

Deck Building
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- Gavriella Mizrah: Not Going Down That Easily (Union and Disillusion #258)
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