Penny White
Josef's Housekeeper
- 4
- 1
- 3
- 2
After you succeed at a skill test during a revelation effect: Discover 1 clue at your location. (Limit once per round.)
effect: +1. If this is a skill test during a revelation effect, you may take an additional action during your next turn.
Penny White - Back
Setup: You begin play at the Balcony. Search the gathered cards for 1 copy of Wraith and 1 copy of Whispers in the Dark. Spawn the Wraith engaged with you and put Whispers in the Dark into play next to the agenda deck. You begin with 2 resources instead of 5.
Starting Play Area: Dig Deep (Core 77), Knife (Core 86), Flashlight (Core 87) with 2 supply tokens remaining.
Opening Hand: Stray Cat (Core 76), Lucky! (Core 80), Knife (Core 86), Flashlight (Core 87), 2 copies of Act of Desperation (TCU 37), 2 copies of Able Bodied (TCU 38).

Deck Building
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