
Item. Relic. Clothing.

Cost: 1.

Health: 2. Sanity: –.

If your location is flooded, exhaust Awakened Mantle: Move to a connecting location that is also flooded.

Nino Vecia
Devil Reef #180. Devil Reef #22.
Awakened Mantle


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Awakened Mantle is a great card to have. A 1 cost, slotless asset that lets you soak 1-2 damage and gives you free move actions (especially late in scenarios when most places are flooded) is a bargain.

The agility icon is less useful, as you'll probably be trying to kill Deep Ones rather evade them (other than Elite bosses) due to the Engage penalties they usually have, but the wild icon means that it's not a dead card even if you don't have the action/resource bandwith to play it...

AdamMal4444 · 12
Its a story card. Not a player card. Its a reward earnex — aramhorror · 707
*earned in the campaign. It's very strong indeed. — aramhorror · 707
At no point did I claim it's a player card that can be selected at deckbuilding. It's an option in Scenario 6 to take this asset (goes into your hand and can then be added to your deck) and that was the goal of this review. It takes 1 resource and an action to put into play (as well adding cards to your deck), but is good enough to warrant inclusion (actionless movement and damage soak for minimal cost and not taking up an asset). — AdamMal4444 · 12