- NB: ArkhamDB now incorporates errata from the Arkham Horror FAQ in its card text, so the ArkhamDB text and the card image above differ, as the ArkhamDB text has been edited to contain this erratum (updated January 2022): Erratum: This card’s Objective ability should read: "…you may choose to advance" instead of "…advance." - FAQ, v.1.9, June 2021
Act. Stage 1
Objective - If each investigator is at Gateway to Y'ha-nthlei and the investigators possess each of the following keys (blue, red, yellow, and green), you may choose to advance.
To Y'ha-nthlei - Back
Remove each location other than Gateway to Y'ha-nthlei from the game (or add them to the victory display if they have Victory X and no clues remaining). Discard each card at those locations.
Put set-aside locations into play as shown in the Campaign Guide, following the "Act 2 Setup" instructions. (Note that the number of Y'ha-nthlei locations used and the arrangement of the locations varies depending on the number of investigators in the game.)
Put the set-aside Hydra enemy into play in the Lair of Hydra, (Deep in Slumber) side faceup.
Put the set-aside Dagon enemy into play in the Lair of Dagon. Check Campaign Log. If Dagon has awakened, he enters play (Awakened and Enraged) side faceup. If Dagon still slumbers, he enters play (Deep in Slumber) side faceup.

(from the official FAQ or responses to the official rules question form)Reviews
This is probably the most annoying error to date, they printed and had to errata. We have played the scenario more than 3 months ago, not aware of the bug, and it still bothers me a lot. So I thought, it might be a good idea, to give people extra attention to this errata.
It was our second run of Innsmouth and first ever campaign on hard, and up until then, we aced it, unlocked all the Flashbacks I to XIII. As a result, we got all 4 required keys to advance during setup, and because everybody starts at Gateway to Y'ha-nthlei and there is no "may" printed on the card, we had to immediately advance and started the game in Act 2. But by doing so, we didn't have the opportunity to grab some additional keys, we would have needed to unlock:
- Flashback XIV in the game
- an alternative, optional objective to fulfill
- Flashback XV in the Epilogue
We had achieved the second bullet point on our Innsmouth blind run, and found it a rather easy campaign final on standard, but playing the scenario without the optional objective was a completely anticlimactic and lame affair, and loosing out on the Flashbacks double stings.