Act. Stage 1
: Resign. "The deal's off!" You leave Desi and his crew to their fate.
Forced - If Desiderio Delgado Álvarez leaves play: Set him aside, out of play. Each investigator takes 1 horror.
Pursued into the Streets - Back
If the Desiderio Delgado Álvarez story asset is in play, set him aside, out of play (removing all tokens and attachments from him).
Find the set-aside Desiderio Delgado Álvarez enemy with the encounter card back. The lead investigator draws that enemy, resolving his concealed keyword. One at a time, in player order, each other investigator chooses a different set-aside Coterie enemy and draws it, resolving its concealed keyword.
Shuffle the encounter discard pile and the remainder of the Crimson Conspiracy and Cleanup Crew encounter sets into the encounter deck.

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