Agenda. Stage 2
Doom: 7. Clues: –
As you escape from the first chamber, glowing words flicker into existence on your group’s note:
“Have you made it out of the first chamber? Good. Perhaps you are not as useless as I suspected.”
“Have you made it out of the first chamber? Good. Perhaps you are not as useless as I suspected.”
Forced - At the end of the round, if there is at least 1 doom on this agenda and no group has yet triggered this ability: The lead investigator of Group A chooses a random set-aside Act 2 story card and draws it. Announce the chosen card's title to all three groups. Each other lead investigator draws that story card.
Mark Molnar
The Labyrinths of Lunacy #4. Epic Multiplayer #2.
Hope Fades - Back
Advance the current act card and follow its instructions.
When you are instructed to resolve Act 3 Setup, those setup instructions can be found in the rules booklet (use the section for your Group).

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- Agony and Despair : Hope Fades (The Labyrinths of Lunacy #5)
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