Easy / Standard
: -X. X is 1 more than the number of copies of Unfinished Business in the victory display.
: -X. X is the number of cards attached to The Beyond.
: -X. X is the number of Spectral locations in play.
: -2. If there is a Geist enemy at your location, reveal another token.
Laid to Rest #54. Laid to Rest #1.
Laid to Rest - Back
Hard / Expert
: -X. X is 2 more than the number of copies of Unfinished Business in the victory display.
: -X. X is twice the number of cards attached to The Beyond.
: -X. X is twice the number of Spectral locations in play.
: -3. If there is a Geist enemy at your location, you automatically fail.

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- Laid to Rest : The Spectral Storm (Laid to Rest #56)
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