Tyrannosaurus Murphy

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Spuddddddd · 118

Dave whistled happily as he walked briskly from the station cafe to the platform, hopping energetically from the platform into the driver's cabin. Pulling his hat onto his slicked back hair and dusting crumbs off his uniform, he grabbed his passenger clipboard and began his walk back through the carriages.

Dave was having a good morning. He'd just woken up feeling, simply put, good. His breakfast of toast and eggs had tasted better than usual. His coffee sharper. His shower hotter. His farewell clutch with Amy, somehow, warmer.

As he stride down the familiar carriages of the 8.15 to Dunwich, checking tickets and ticking names off his clipboard, he felt a brimming happiness fill his heart. Today was going to be a good day.

"Ms. S. Williams" - tick.

"Dr. T. Wilkes" - tick.

"Mr. M. Harrigan" - tick.

"Ms. A. Baker" - tick.

"Dr. T. Murphy" ...

Dave stood frozen in fear, his pen hovering above his clipboard, his mouth hanging open.

There, piercing the roof of the rearmost carriage from floor to ceiling, were two gigantic green legs, leathery scales glistening in the morning sunlight.

Staggering out of the train carriage, and looking up, Dave stared aghast at the gigantic tyrannosaurus that stood in coach 5 of the Essex County Express.

The gigantic beast lowered its terrifying head to ground level and, grinning, spoke to the stupefied train conductor.

"You might want to take some antihistamines... Because I'mma do me some serious Solvin around here."

Solvin is an over-the-counter hayfever medication available in many countries worldwide. This Arkham Horror update was sponsored by Solvin. Solvin is not suitable for children or pregnant women. Always check with your doctor before taking any new medication.