Velvet Fog

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Rejoinder · 7

I designed this deck to take Marie in a different direction from regular spellcasters.

Marie loves doom-laden allies, and so I've added ally-focused recursion combos (A Chance Encounter and Calling in Favours) to get value out of the allies without overloading on doom. I've also included Moonlight Ritual and Storm of Spirits to manage the doomed allies in peaceful or destructive ways.

The second half of the deck is focused on Marie's free actions. I wanted to maximise the value of those actions, so Sixth Sense gives Marie a free investigate action every turn (with added flexibility and no charge requirements), while Drawn Thin generates huge value from the free tests. The Track Shoes are another way to benefit from free tests and added mobility.