Silas Marsh Adaptable

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

SteampunkGamer · 8

This is a deck I threw together for friend who has a selective card pool. It's for a four player group in the Forgotten Age campaign. The is for him to do a little bit of everything, but mostly to evade enemies with vengeance values. Silas Marsh may not be the best investigator for this role, however his high strength will allow him to upgrade into a semi-fighter as well.


Aug 05, 2019 Lucaxiom · 4115

You may want to rethink including Backpack and Cunning Distraction in your deck; with only 5 items or supply cards in your deck, Backpack whiff very often, and since your deck is very resource light, with most excess resources going to Fire Axe and Dig Deep, you're unlikely to ever have 5 resources for Cunning Distraction.