Tommy Boy

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Toastrunner · 914

Thompson build for Tommy. Between his passive ability and the Act of Desperation/Thompson, money is just not an issue. This allows us to bring in Agency backup for late campaign shenanigans.

Thompson + Act of Desperation + (Well Maintained later) is tried, true & solid. Consistent fight @ 6 (7 with upgraded beat cop) and 2 damage. We upgrade the Thompson right away and get well maintained later to make this combo even better.

Tons of soaking assets to take advantage of his passive ability. We want to be tanking and taking hits. When we get to start with Ever Vigilant under Stick to the Plan things get really sweet.

Survival knife is really solid in this build as a backup weapon. You want to be taking hits so you can cycle your assets back into your deck and be making that money. Free hits back at 2 damage is like a cherry on top.

Survivor Clue suite (flashlight + look what i found!) + Scene of the Crime allows us to pull some weight there. We transition out of these and into Agency backup for testless clues later in the campaign.

Lucky, Resourceful, Take the Initiative & Vicious Blow are just good cards and helpful almost all the time.

End game goal is to have a super consistent start thanks to stick to the plan, with Agency Backup shenanigans late game because we can afford it.

Upgrade Order:

Basics (13xp):

.45 Thompson - .45 Thompson (3) 2x

Guard Dog - Beat Cop (2) 2x (Testless damage and +1 fight is just too good to pass up. And if he dies? Get some $ and back into the deck)

Keen Eye (3) - Useful Dump for all that $ you will be making. Buffs both of the stats you use and is Permenant.

Consistency (22xp)

Scene of the Crime - Ever Vigilant (1)

Stick to the Plan (6) - (Put Ever Vigilant, Emergency Cache and Act of Desperation under here)

Scene of the Crime - Well Maintained (1)

Resourceful - Well Maintained (1)

End Game (32xp)

Look what I found! - Agency Backup (5) 2x

Gravy Train (33xp+)

Charisma (3)

Bandolier - Bandolier (2) 2x

Vicious Blow - Vicious Blow (2) 2x

Lucky! - Lucky! (2) 2x


Oct 17, 2019 AnFair · 1

Seems pretty good, gonna try this with a little changes. What are your thoughts on using Solemn Vow in multiplayer for even quicker cycling of assets through passive ability?

Oct 23, 2019 Toastrunner · 914

Never have played with Solemn Vow, but looks like it would be a great fit, especially with 3 or 4 players. If I run this again with that many, I would switch out 'Look what I found!' for two of them for sure. Thanks for the input.