Mark Harrigan the war-torn hero [The Gathering]

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Hallo2you · 8

The war-torn hero running the Gathering (or return to the Gathering).

With no proofs of the ill omens happening in Arkham except an old blade covered with scriptures. The only one who has listened and is trying to translator the blade is Marks spiritual Confessor, Father Mateo.

His main priority is to defeat the horror in the shadows and defend Mateo.

Mulligan: Try to get a weapon or Prepared for the worst. Many expensive cards in this deck so if you get a weapon amongst the first 5 cards also keep an Emergency Cache if you can.

Boss fight: Keep Shortcut and Hiding spot to setup the boss fights on your terms.

Xp upgrades

M1918 BAR •••• - Replaces .32 Colt

Extra Ammunition • - Replaces On the hunt.

Bondolier •• - Replaces Scene of the crime.

Dynamite blast •• - Replaces Scene of the crime.

Charisma ••• - If you find new allies on the way.

Vicious Blow ••

Making your own improvments

Maybe need some cheep assets as Bandolier or Smoking pipe to defeand against those supernatural cold threats that freeze your soul.