RPS Arkham Horror — Agnes Baker (end of campaign 1)

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
Agnes Baker - Structure Deck Series ( Core Set ) 527 434 6 1.0
Inspiration for
None yet

Wisq · 7

End of our Night of the Zealot campaign. 7 XP gained at end of campaign / 21 XP in total, plus 2 mental trauma.

Finished the last scenario with only 1 sanity remaining, and my Dark Pact still in hand, because who has time for stabbing teammates when there's a ritual to disrupt? So there's a Price of Failure in there for next time.

Mostly followed the upgrade advice in the derived deck, but I probably should've removed some of the cards that were less useful in multiplayer, like scrying. Live and learn (barely).