Mandy Thompson- Dreams of a Childish Rouge

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

PanicMoon · 2

I haven't run this deck yet, so it's in it's planning stage.

This deck is build to keep your hand size large using Dream-Enhancing Serum. Beyond allowing you to save cards for when they're most effective, this is useful for two upgrades I'm planning to make: Higher Education and Dream Diary: Dreams of a Child (along with Curiosity).

Other planned upgrades include (not exhaustive):

Archaic Glyphs: Guiding Stones

Lucid Dreaming

Easy Mark

Three Aces

Segment of Onyx

Surprising Find

Basically, the goal is to use Dream-Enhancing Serum to keep your hand size at 8, so Dreams of a Child is always a ????. Once you've pulled a Myriad and cleaned out Shocking Discovery, you can use Lucid Dreaming and Mandy's Card ability to get the other two, and then hold them until they're needed.

I think this deck gives a pretty good chance to get the prerequisite for Archaic Glyphs and Dream Diary. For Archaic Glyphs, this deck has a bunch of Books on it, but there's also Truth from Fiction, which can take care of 2/3 of it.

Any feedback or questions are appreciated. Thanks!


Jul 23, 2020 Clu · 2

I am extremely curious to see how this deck operates at 50. I feel like you could get into a glut of all event or skill cards without anyway to dig yourself out. But, if a deck can try it, it's Mandy! I think you could achieve your goal with 40. Let us know how it goes!