Daisy, A Plan, A Knife; Panama

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

smoorecrux · 147

I'm bad at write ups, so all I'll say is this deck got Daisy through solo Dunwich on standard, which I never thought I would accomplish.

First goal: upgrade both copies of Strange Solution before starting Miskatonic Museum. I went for two Acicid Ichors, but there's an argument for one Freezing Variant instead. once you've accomplished that, drop the Delve Too Deeps.

Second Goal: I know you know you need Higher Education prior to U&U. Get it as early as possible.

Third Goal: Disc of Itzamna is helpful in a pinch. Encyclopedia does wonders. Follow your heart. In either case, it's probably time to drop the knives. Leave them in whatever Whippoorwill you threw them at last and carry on.