They Don't Call Him "Down and Dirty" Muldoon for Nothin'

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

The Comforter · 132

Eyes up, Tommy.

The command, always firm and unwavering, was with him. It always came to him in moments like this. The wide face of the thug did its best approximation of a grin, the effect of which was to stretch his face wider. "I love giving little snot-nosed kids like you the once over," he growled. "You always put up enough of a fight to be fun."

Tommy raised his eyes to the thug's close-set gaze. As he raised a fist in defiance, his other hand sneaked down to his pocket, gripping the handle of his knife. This guy was too stupid to expect Tommy to pull a move like that.

"And guys like you always think you'll be good in a scrap because you can pick on someone smaller. But I got a secret..."

The handle is rough in his grip.

"We don't fight fair in Boston."

Tommy lunges at the thug and they tumble over the table, glasses shattering on the floor.

Eyes up, Tommy.

A boot, coming out of nowhere, aiming to knock the wind out of him. Tommy rolls through the shards of glass and smashes into a chair leg, turning to face his assailant.

Eyes up, Tommy.

The thug's face widens once more, splitting apart with the crack of bone and sinew, revealing a mass of writhing flesh beneath, pusling with dark energy. Tommy grips his knife ever tighter. "If it bleeds..." he whispers, and as the thing that cannot be lurches towards him, Tommy dives into its maw.

This is a thematic Tommy Muldoon deck meant for a 3 or 4 player game. I'm looking forward to being the dedicated tank/bodyguard in my next campaign, and this felt like a lot of fun! It's a simple plan: get an ally, get some soak, and start taking hits for your allies! Is it optimized? Heck no. But comments welcome as to how to increase the effectiveness of Down and Dirty Muldoon!