Rex Finds His Keys

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

endoviking · 21

Here's a dumb take on an old, un-Lucky! friend of ours.

His name is Rex Murphy, and he's a dedicated reporter. How dedicated? Well, just one scoop isn't enough for this frosty investigator-when he's on a hot streak, he'll get double the story. And just when you think he's dug up all the dirt, watch him dive in that dumpster and go scavenging through the trash all over again.

Basically, the deck works as you would expect; the central concept is to play both Old Keyring and Scavenging. You really want to make sure that you hard mulligan for the Keyring and the dumpster-talent, perhaps diverting only to dabble in a little side project with the good Doctor, because that set-up is going to make his signature ability proceed much more consistently. In a single test, we can break that Old Keyring, double the clues we discover, toss it away, and then immediately take it back into our hand after the test is over. Who knows, perhaps the test will even pay for itself if you have Milan in play. Absolutely hilarious. Unless you're playing on Expert, in which case it becomes nail-bitingly acceptable.

I really want to find those three central assets, so I'm including No Stone Unturned, which I generally consider an inefficient card. I haven't used "I've got a plan!" in ages, due to its cost and the specific circumstances required to fire it off, but in this build I'm not sure when Rex won't have at least 3 clues on him. The Occult 'myriad' is always very efficient and this deck leaves very easy room for them. As long we have scavenging, why not go all in? The Disc of Itz-something is a test-less murderer that Expert players will love.

Obviously there are some changes you could make-Crack the Case is good, it's just that it goes against the grain of lowering shroud value that this deck is trying to go for. St Huberts Key is a logical, if not slightly boring choice to replace track shoes. (I tend to use the Key too often, and wanted something different here). Feel free to toss those discs for a Tooth or a Totem.

Anyway, I this is my breath of fresh air for Rex. Give it a try if you're looking for some good, dumb fun.