Jedi Luke and the Esperence Orbital Space Station

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

LondonLeon · 32

Originally, I created a deck similar to this for an event, but then liked the idea so much I backtracked it to a 0xp version. I've played this through most of The Circle Undone and it's morphed from the original experienced card list, but this is definitely more organically grown.

General Concept... Lots of generally useful cards by themselves, but when certain ones are in play, it synergizes very nicely.

Mulligan for... If the scenario has a high doom threshold, then you want a David Renfield to feed the machine. If it's a low doom threshold, then you want Scroll of Secrets. The icing is Crack the Case or Eldritch Sophist.


  • With the variety of Events in the deck, you have a choice as to what to put on Dayana and Luke's ability amps her significantly. Depending on circumstances I've had Ward of Protection for nasty Encounter Decks, Read the Signs if the team is having problems with clues, Spectral Razor for sniping from the Space Station, etc.
  • Eldritch Sophist feeds either Dayana or the Scroll of Secrets. In a pinch he can also shift charges from Gate Box to Shriveling or vice versa. He's also a horror soak for Shriveling or Ward of Protection.
  • Sixth Sense is bonkers and even better with Dream Gate. In a pinch, you can jump into Dream Gate and then investigate there. Since it's connected to everything and has a 1 shroud, just about any special token nets you a clue from any revealed location.
  • Pathfinder plus Gate Box means free teleport to any revealed location.

Toolbox/support While it doesn't have healing, it can protect others with Ward of Protection or Spectral Razor to clean things off of others without risking miss damage. Or with the right timing, just engage the enemy as your last action, then your teammates move out, then you teleport out with Gate Box. It's got solid clue gathering and solid firepower, so depending on what your team needs most in a scenario (either due to bad draws on their part or scenario needs), Luke can fill in the gaps.

Plus it's fun saying things like, "Luke steps into his TARDIS..." or "Dayana activates the space lasers to zap them from space..."