Timeworn Abranda 2nd campaign

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

killerbeardhawk · 30

What started as a meme to make use of the combat practiced cards turned into a monster of an investigator. Normally fighting at 6-7 and investigating at 5-6 every turn. Commit any one of the 2 or 3 icon cards underneath her and go to town. This was for innsmouth so i took extra allies as soak as i was aware it can put out alot of damage (it has). Practice makes perfect is really the star of the show. Allows you to find an overpower or vicious blow when your fight and committing it to the next swing as well. the versatility is amazing, going from collecting multiple clues with Deduction and Perception and without putting anything different into play you can fight any enemy that spawns. As a Note I did not get 5 Xp in the first scenario and opted for the Versatile Fire axe until I got a big payout of XP. Fireaxe worked just as good but a bit taxing on single enemies.