CPA - Tony 'Gun Fu' Morgan

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Prinny_wizzard · 251

This was a deck (intended for true solo) created for the latest Campaign Playalong in the Mythos Busters discord server - a smattering of various standalone scenarios rather than an actual campaign.

Rather than limit the deck building, as has been the case for the previous two playalongs, all cards were fair games for these decks - instead, Veronica (the person behind the campaign playalong) encouraged the use of various Ultimatums. (I admit I'm fairly sure this deck doesn't meet any of them though, cough.)

Unfortunately I rather messed up and played through one of the scenarios not on the list... Which probably worked out for the best, this deck's clue power turned out to be woefully low but Tony left enough holes in The Blob to win the scenario after just 4 clues. (No extra objectives achieved, but a win's a win :D)

Sleight and Well-Maintained were definitely stellar, and when I get round to taking this version of Tony through a proper campaign they're definitely staying in. Joey was also great, being able to play things fast or sell them again (either when empty, or when I needed the money), and playing really nicely with Well-Maintained. In theory Lola would've granted more clueing power, and also a slight boost to one of Tony's 'defensive' stats, which is exceptionally tempting... That's something to test in a different iteration.

The deck as a whole felt like it would work flawlessly in a multiplayer game, with plenty of damage and some flex clue options. As I said though, those clue options are rather lacking in true solo, being composed of two single-clue events (Evidence!), two limited-life assets (Flashlight), and two Skills (the Perceptions). Lola, as above, is one alternative, but I really liked how Joey performed; I'm more tempted to squeeze in Take the Initiative and Interrogate/Scene of the Crime for now, probably in place of Quick Thinking and Narrow Escape respectively, and make up the slack by reserving at least one Sleight/Well Maintained purely for Flashlight shenanigans.

(Maybe a true-solo Tony deck should avoid Guardian in the first place, as it tends to play to his combat ability - stressing his strength instead of shoring up his middling intellect - but I'd already played a Seeker Tony, that died in Innsmouth, and I wanted to see what a Guardian Tony could do :D As it is I still kinda wish I had room for Extra Ammunition.)

Eventually I plan on exploring Survivor Tony, which sounds... Interesting. It sounds quite different from Seeker Tony and Guardian Tony, and I'm curious to see what the deck will look like. Maybe in a future CPA? :D (though Pete will be my personal mascot for the campaign-based CPAs :D )


Sep 09, 2021 FantasyMan · 14

Interesting looking deck man. I've been enjoying a two handed switchblade Lvl 2 with reliable x 2 that has been slicing its way through Innsmouth. Clue wise Interrogate has been useful as most enemies are humanoid, scene of the crime, evidence and intel report have been doing a lot of work as he makes sushi of the fish people. Vest Pocket and well maintained has me interested to try out. Gone with Leo de Luca for those 6+ action round shenanigans but adding Joey seems legit so I'll look into that.

Narrow escape would be redundant in my deck because he doesn't do much that would trigger an AOO as he is just stabbing things before they get him. On the Hunt and Watch This! haven't been needed either. Vicious Blow and Swift Reflexes keep the killing train rolling for and "Let God Sort Them Out..." manages to get played most scenarios to help pay for those sick upgrades.

Sep 09, 2021 Prinny_wizzard · 251

Thank you for the compliment :D My intent was to make this deck guns-only, but I've heard from many places that Switchblade is Chef's Kiss in Tony, and Reliable just makes it sound even more enticing.

Well-Maintained was originally included for the Vest Pocket, but ironically I never drew the CVP while facing down the Blob. It was still a fantastic event, playing it on a Long Colt is a great way to extend Tony's bounties (or a cheeky 'fire the last shot, sell for two resources, commit the Long Colt to its own bullet', heh) and it gives a fair amount of longevity to Flashlight or the Mauser too.

Narrow Escape... It was meant to be a way to turn an enemy into a +2 to an investigation (or a +2 on the next bullet fired) but it never came to pass. And On The Hunt was quite useful in terms of 'not drawing another Will or Agi treachery T.T' - I've used both Tony and Joe before and still underestimated how weak they are to the encounter deck...