Knowledge must be usable to exist.

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Katzenprinz · 8

I intend to use this deck for the "Path to Carcosa" Campaign in combination with a rogue (Trish Yearwood) who will deal with finding most of the clues. Akachi in turn is supposed to do most of the fighting. Feedback is appreciated.


Sep 15, 2021 AdamMal4444 · 12

It seems a little low on attack spells, only 3. Even with Enchanted Blade, you have a 2/3 chance of not getting any offense in your opening draw (even with a hard mulligan). The Arcane Initiate helps, but you may not see her either. Potentially trade out two of the Deny Existences for 1-2 more offensive spells and 1-2 more Spectral Razors. Similarly, I suspect that Spectral Razor would be better than Storm of Spirits for 2p, as you're less likely to have multiple enemies (especially in Carcosa campaign).

Sep 20, 2021 Katzenprinz · 8

Thanks for your feedback. I played the first tow Carcosa scenarios. Enchanted Blade is indeed not very useful, especially as it takes two slots. I guess I will replace it with Spirit Athame now that I have XP to spend. Added Spectral Razor too, which is useful until you get that upgrade of Shrivelling or Azure Flame to cause more than 1 damage per attack.

Deny Existence however saved my ass twice when I drew Black Stars Rise and simply could fail the Knowledge test without having to take horror. With XP some interesting other allies are possible, so I guess I will replace David Renfield.