Darkham Audrey

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Timlagor · 4

Mandy is just a placeholder for the Darkham Horror Seeker Audrey Bourassa. This is why there are cards that look illegal and the Mandy-specific cards are missing.

Sadly ArkhamDB doesn't include the fan-made content but a lot of us are playing online at the moment and we've found some of the fan mods to be truly excellent.

Real struggle to cut this down to 30. Probably made some hideous mistakes but maybe it'll be a useful starting point for others.

Expecting to play with a Guardian partner so just a little evasion for emergencies. Hope there's enough money... (some money got cut)


Nov 07, 2021 Timlagor · 4

This deck turns out to be really bad! :-) Best drop all the practiced stuff and the Crystallizer I think.

Nov 07, 2021 Timlagor · 4

..err I mean the search stuff