Goodstuff Dexter Drake

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

KakuRainbow · 96

This deck was built to play Return to the Circle Undone in combo with Sefina Rosseau.

Dexter, despite being a magician, doesn't actually have many tricks up his sleeve. Some investigators has a specific pool of cards devoted to them and the janky way their ability plays out. When it comes to Dexter, he seems more like a 'good-stuff' kind of investigator, who takes 2 switchblades, and can save a little bit of money.

There's quite a few cards in the game that are straight up bad in terms of action economy. With Dexter's fast switch in ability, he can save the action of playing it and make some of those cards just about playable. A great example of this is Healing Words, which never feels worth it, particularly if its competing with other arcane slots. In Dexter, it becomes playable. Alongside some Liquid Courage, you can do a good bit of healing when things get rough.