Will the real Lola Hayes please stand up!

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

crusificton · 3

This is for an "Opps all Lolas!" Return to Carcosa campaign. 4 players all playing different versions of Lola. My primary role is cluvering.

My idea for this one was to start off desperate (Arcane Research and In the think of it). She's a struggling understudy, but she's adaptable. At least with Desperation, I can increase my odds of succeeding in some tests.

The idea here is because Lola is such trash I do not expect to win many scenarios, let alone thrive on XP, so I'm taking Down the Rabbit Hole.

Down the Rabbit Hole is great in some investigators like Daisy and maybe some Dunwich investigators who have a very specific upgrade path.

Since Lola has no clear path I created one with Adaptable. Since I am "swapping" cards out and not "repurchasing them" like with exile cards I can trade in the cards I want without the XP penalty.

I can get through The Last King and adaptable out Fine Clothes for Backpack then spend XP to upgrade my backpack.

Book of Shadows is a placeholder for Flashlight Level 3 which is still in BETA.