Rolambolt Banks (Midnight Masks)

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

lambolt · 1

2P paired with Wendy Adams 5 XP earned from The Gathering

Still unsure about some of the cards


Oct 29, 2017 lambolt · 1

Here are the cards, with comments, and no doubt faulty logic We crushed the scenario in the first try "story mode" with all cultists found, but we definitely (again) forgot the rule about helping commit a card to partner need to be in the same location. But in general, Roland with the machete and vicious blow made short work of the main baddy which was nice.

Asset (8) Hand 2x .45 Automatic 2x Flashlight 2x Machete Ally 2x Beat Cop ••

I've got Lita Chandler in there so only 3 ally cards, maybe thats too few. I did go back and forwards on Brother Xavier and even Guard Dog but Beat Cop(2) is so good and doesnt need to die to dish out damage. The low sanity is a problem for Roland though

Weapon wise, the machete is awesome, he has his 38 so I just added a 45 automatic, the flashlight is in there just for the annoying fogs and to speed up clue finding when needed. But maybe Roland is better just keeping moving and finding bad guys and taking clues by defeating them so flashlight maybe better replaced with something else?

Event (14) 1x "If it bleeds..." 2x "Let me handle this!" 2x Dodge 1x Dynamite Blast 2x Emergency Cache 1x Ever Vigilant • 2x Evidence! 1x Seeking Answers 2x Working a Hunch

probably too many event cards? I took out a Dynamite just so I thematically had that last gasp backpack only, it costs 5 so I didnt feel like running 2 copies with all the other resources like beat cop was worth it. Cache to boost those resources. Dodge seems like an auto include for Roland. If it Bleeds is there for a sanity refresh, let me handle this lets him Guardian roleplay and maybe pick up some more kills/clues. Maybe thats another card that shouldnt be taking up 2 spots. Evidence seems auto. Ever Vigilant just to help with resources, maybe with only 1 dynamite and no longer having Brother Xavier its a waste. Seeking answers is just for those times when you can pick up a clue via an easier location. MAybe I should carry 2 of those. It also saves you the action of moving again. Working a hunch is easy to have

Skill (8) 2x Guts 2x Inquiring Mind 2x Unexpected Courage 2x Vicious Blow

Only Guts was the question mark but those treacheries need head icons so they're good for that and to get card draw. Not sure about it though, the others seem to be very good


Asset (2) Hand 1x Roland's .38 Special Ally 1x Lita Chantler

Treachery (2) 1x Cover Up 1x Psychosis (we decided to keep our original basic weakness through the campaign) 2x Vicious Blow

Overall: wonder if I should run 2 x "Seeking Answers" probably having 4 spots for If it Bleeds, Ever Vigilant and Let Me Handle this is too many do I need another ally? (Xavier, dog?) do I need any more weapons? (dont think I do) is flashlight worth it, better with magnifying glass?

44 resources seems a bit high maybe, and the icon spread is quite even so maybe thats not good, best to just give up on one icon category and have a stronger fist or book (ie drop some boots)

Dropping dynamite would save up to 5 resources and Roland with his machete and vicious blow perhaps doesnt need dynamite so much anyway