Diana Stanley fast cancel

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

mgmbach · 24

When a little crazy when I saw Dark Prophecy with Diana.

Dark Prophecy will always trigger her ability and can be done proactively whenever you would draw a token. Since it replaces itself, a lot of the downside of the card is gone and it can be useful even if it just increases your odds slightly (the math for that is where I went crazy).

From there I looked at other cards that could let you get more advantage off symbol tokens, reduce their downside, or manipulate the draw. Olive, Defiance, Prescient, Voice of Ra, Ritual Candles all work to this end. It's bit like the Jacqueline Fine package, but gaining extra advantage off the cancelling that goes one.

I also included some other proactive canceling ideas, like To to Toe into dodge/hand of Fate. Along with the general great cancels of Ward of Protection and Deny existence. Only one Eldritch Inspiration because it's less reliable to trigger but having one to save a bad Rite of Seeking is good.

Running that fast with cancels should allow for her spells to be powered up fast. And one prepared to fetch out the twilight blade to get even more recycling cards.

Last bit is Down the Rabit Hole. There are bunch of very powerful upgrades to have in this deck, and the only nonupgrade that you'd really want is Jewel of Aureolus.