Big Money Jenny (solo: hard/expert) | Final

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Scarx · 38

base deck:

final deck:

its basically a true solo sort of big money deck. idea is: no skill cards, boost yourself to 5/5/5/5 with black fan and geas. get extra boosts from high roller and well connected to pass tests (im playing this on hard/expert).

also lots of card draw since you have enough money to pay for everything and need your setup (with lone wolf you get 3 resources a turn).

prio upgrades are switchblade (Thompson is awkward but there isn't anything better at lv0), black market, backpack (deck needs card draw). after that: black fan, geas. from there on out maybe stuff like loan, high roller and counter.

deck seems like it uses waaaay to much exp but you can actually get about 3/scenario from medallion, 1 from delve and 2 from charons. if you are greedy kick one seeker card draw card for another delve, but I wouldn't recommend.


May 14, 2023 thathatguy · 2

How do you maintain your moneypower when you are dumping resources into Green Man Medallion?