Patrice Hathaway - I wouldn't back her into a corner

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

dlikos · 144

Pretty good deck here once you get Cornered up and running for a whopping 4vp. She always has cards to discard, making her 6,4,4,4 investigator. Mind's Eye works very nicely with her as well, as she rips through her deck and will most likely get to recharge.

You need to keep in mind that you will discard your hand (not weaknesses) each round, so spend your icons on tests. Don't overload turn 1 with your mulligan with a bunch of stuff you can't afford. Some turns will be painful as you dump a good card without being able to use it, but she is pretty darn powerful and some of the tricks that she can pull off make it worth it.

Some tricks I enjoy... Discard a barrier, weapon, or winging it with your violin and use it in the same turn with the bonus ability. If you can't use it, it will be waiting for you in your discard.
Discard the moonstone with your violin and then play it for net 2 resources without an action. Discard the moonstone with cornered to boost a test, play it for 3 resources to bump your will or agility and then maybe use Mind's Eye to flip the test to will.

Upgrade tree 2xCornered for 1 Flux and 1 Candles 3xMinds Eye for 1 Live and Learn and 2 Scrappers 1 Scrappers Permanant (optional of course but really comes in handy) 2x Earthly Serenity for 1 Clarity and 1 Healing Words

Alter Fates and or Stargazing replace Prophesy, the other candles, maybe a barrier, maybe Unexpected courages... 1 Leather Coat, here you wiggle to your teammates and or campaign.

The rest upgrade by name.

Please let me know how this one plays for you if you try it.