Leo the Dog Prince

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

BillyB · 21

Based off of my friend Adam's Leo deck plus ideas from the community.

The idea behind this Leo version is to make him strong on defense and decent on offense. He won't be a slayer (until he gets the Cyclopean Hammer) but he will be able to lock down enemies and allow the cluevers to do their jobs.

Optional set up cards: Replace Hallowed Mirror with Riot whistle. Add one or two You Handle This One or "Let me Handle This" depending on the campaign and the number of players at your own discretion.

In order to make your deck more efficient, upgrade both Lucid Dreamings, both Rod of Animalism, and a Backpack in that order. Then upgrade your Beat Cop, The Star XVII, Stand Together, and 2 Cyclopean Hammer

Cards to cut: 1 Solemn Vow, Hallowed Mirror, Prep for the Worst, Emergency Cache, Intel Report, Inspiring Presence,

Calling in Favors is there to fish out your Beat Cop (+1 fist) or sled dogs. Once Lucid Dreaming is in play, that will definitely help get Sled Dogs out fast. Once you have your tarrot card out, you will truly be a tank.

Rod of Animalism is there to make the most of Leo's special Ally action. Only costs 1 resource to get out all of your dogs!!

Last Upgrades.....Mano e Mano replaces Toe to Toe,