Rex Murphy Needs To Get A Clue

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Adunad · 44

A fully investigate-focused Rex Murphy deck that wants to just get out a Magnifying Glass and the Good Dr. Milan Christopher to quickly hoover up clues. Built for the Night of the Zealot campaign with a limited collection for my second playthrough with three friends. As this is for a four-player game, and three will have medium to high combat potential, this deck sacrifices that entirely to just grab clues and survive the Mythos deck.

I originally wanted to get Double or Nothing in here since it'd be amazing, but it's classed as fortune which Rex can't use. Sad times.


Oct 12, 2022 GXC1531 · 1

What would you recommend to swap out for the Harvey Walter's Deck cards if you don't have that investigator pack? (for reference i have all the player cards from Dunwich legacy, core set, as well as investigator packs for Nathaniel Cho and Jacqueline Fine)

Oct 12, 2022 Adunad · 44

I only published this deck to show to a friend ahead of us playing this weekend, so I haven't had a chance to try it out yet. Given that:

If I didn't have that Harvey deck, I'd probably go Preposterous Sketches instead of Feed the Mind, since it draws three cards with only one action, and maybe add a Burglary as the fifth off-class card, with a single copy of Fine Clothes as filler instead of the two Burning the Midnight Oil cards. Might also go for an Overpower on the last card to help your bodyguard player (if you have one) kill the enemy that's on Rex, since them missing means Rex takes damage.

I don't yet know how the deck will work out resource-wise, so maybe dropping a Leadership for another Burglary would help if resources are an issue.