Darrell Simmons Eternal Evidence Engine

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Lobstrocity · 2

The key card here is Empirical Hypothesis. Already without any customising, you will be collecting evidence quickly - maybe use the customisation related to damage early in the game when you are most vulnerable. Get this out quickly! The skill boost from other evidence cards will make putting evidence on THIS card pretty easy, when choosing the "succeed by 3" option.

Dissection Tools and Hawk-Eye Folding Camera are great when out together. They give skill boosts which also make it easier to put evidence on Empirical Hypothesis.

Exploit Weakness and Shed a Light not only are great cards combined with others, they also trigger the abilities on Hawk-Eye Folding Camera and Dissection Tools (the latter only with elite enemies, but still useful!)

Flashlight also helps tests get down to 0 as well as Old Keyring

Scavenging and Short Supply help get all these useful items out quickly. Don't have Scavenging, use Resourceful!

Crafty makes it all cheap, AND makes you even better at tests!

All these cards help your skills, reward you for tests with evidence galore, and then you can use evidence to succeed in tests, which gets you more evidence. It's an endless cycle! Lots of clue getting but also some enemy dealings too.

So much fun once this evidence engine starts. It does not stop!