Monterey's Underworld, At the Bottom of the World

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
Monterey Jack: my definitive solo deck 44 34 2 1.0
Inspiration for
None yet

The Comforter · 132

An attempt at a solo Monterey Jack deck for my thematic streamed playthrough of Edge of the Earth, on Doomed!

My starting point was seeing what would happen if Jack leaned into his criminal connections (Underworld Support, Thieves' Kit, Embezzled Treasure) to manage to get into this expedition... but what he sees while in Antarctica changes him, forces him to become a true Seeker of the truth?

The core of the deck will be Eon Chart and Ariadne's Twine, with hopefully some fun tome play alongside it. We'll see how it goes!