Nathaniel Cho can Solo!

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

subzerojo · 286

Nathaniel Cho - Can solo!

He can't investigate adequately, right? He's got so many hoops to jump through if you were to try to do it normally.

But on the dark side of jank, oh can he investigate at 7, or even 9!

Highest priority in the mulligan is Bruiser. Holding onto Hyperphysical Shotcaster and then a Timeworn Brand after that is fine. A prepared for the worst can stand in place if either is unavailable.

This stand-alone deck revolves around the 3 cards: Bruiser, Shotcaster, and Timeworn Brand, in that order.

  1. Bruiser helps fund your 2 Shotcasters and Brands. But it has the added benefit of pumping up the skill tests from the Shotcaster, even if it is investigate or evade.

  2. Shotcaster is what makes this sing. The two customized abilities are investigate and evade. And testing combat connects it with Bruiser. NOTE that these two are atypical investigate and evade abilities.

  • The investigate can grab a clue from ANY revealed location, INCLUDING your own location. You just make sure you're on a low shroud space for maximum value, and it can save you moving around.

  • The evade move the enemy you are invading away, and regardless whether or not the evade is successful = they are no longer engaged with you and can't attack of opportunity you. It could also potentially move a second enemy at your location away if you are swarmed with two and evade proper the first one. And of course you can use it to to "Get over here" or "faux righteous hunt" to move and evade an enemy at another location. In multiplayer, this can pull enemies off your friends at another location.

  1. Timeworn Brand on Nathaniel is a classic. Constant 7 combat is high enough for most enemies on standard. Grievous Wound from a Nathaniel Cho brand is very painful on enemies, especially when he can evade them on tap.

I included Well maintained because the Shotcaster is such a crucial card, it makes sense to bounce it back into your hand.

You can include heavy furs to synergise with Bruiser, but honestly there's enough utility with Bruiser that you'll probably be using the resources every turn.

For a bigger "POW!" to your tests, you can swap out well maintained with well prepared, and use them on Bruiser. You can also use well maintained on Randall Cho.