Totally Gone Straight #CPA-TDL2

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Prinny_wizzard · 251

Today marks the beginning of a new Campaign Playalong on the Mythos Busters discord server :D

For those that don't know - the goal is to play through a campaign voted on by the participants (in this case The Dunwich Legacy), generally at a pace of one scenario per week, with a restricted card pool and chat about the journey & results.

Said restricted card pool is:

Revised Core Set
Each of the Investigator Starter Packs
The player cards from the campaign* and its Return To variant, if applicable
(Note that the investigators themselves can come from any expansion.)

*Except this time (and possibly in future CPAs) there is a twist - rather than taking TDL's player cards, the participants may choose any one campaign's player cards.

This deck is my backup run through the campaign, with your ol' boy Skids (and the Scarlet Keys player cards) :D

I haven't used Skids since the OG Core days so I really don't know what to expect. I did flub my way through several iterations of this deck, before being given feedback by Veronica (the organiser of the CPA!) and tankredmenaris that led to the deck you see before you. I have high hopes for this lad!