(Spoiler Warning) Skids vs RTDunwich via TSK

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Prinny_wizzard · 251

Campaign Play-Along

  • Campaign: The Dunwich Legacy
  • Difficulty: Standard
  • Taboo: Yes
  • Card Pool: NotZ x2, RtNotZ, Starters, TSK
  • Team: Totally Gone Straight
  • Role: N/A - it's solo!

That was a fun adventure. Skids had dreams of returning to La Bella Luna after this weirdness in Dunwich was dealt with, but that was not to be with Lost In Time And Space proving exceptionally true to its name.

I will say the Hyperphysical Shotcaster impressed me overall. When I first saw the card the upgrade options seemed overpriced for what it offered (as is reasonable for a Neutral card, honestly), but... the ability to investigate anywhere using the lowest possible shroud, to move an enemy to another location to disengage even if I drew the autofail, the ability to Alter Fate (with a skill test/action)... ultimately it proved a very handy item. I'm sure it would be even more so in someone with a natural 5 in a skill.