Shotgun Mark

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

drjones87 · 184

Quick build for the forum.

General loop is use practice makes perfect to recur super powerful cards like Overpower and Vicious Blow, use Mark's ability for draw basically every time you can, and crush tests to always get 6 (sometimes up to 8 once fully upgraded with home front) damage and a ridiculous combat check.

Backpack along with his high innate draw plus the high draw/recursion of overpower, and high draw from daring will filter out weapons and mirror to where you don't need "prepared for the worst", and you'll only really need one copy of shotgun. Deck cycles enough to where you'll basically never run out of ammo between venturer and extra ammo.

He gets economy through Kicking the hornet's nest and later through upgrading on the hunt. This also thins out the encounter deck and makes sure Mark always gets the monsters. And when there is nothing to kill, Soothing Melody recursion for team maintenance.

For carcosa, run Enchanted Blade instead of machete in the beginning, and take Enchanted Weapon to deal with the stupid ghosts.

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