(Carcosa spoilers) - I Believe! - Campaign Complete

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Prinny_wizzard · 251

Campaign Play-Along

  • Campaign: The Path to Carcosa
  • Difficulty: Standard
  • Taboo: Yes
  • Card Pool: NotZ x2, RtNotZ, Starters, TDL, RtTDL
  • Team: I Believe!
  • Role: Everything - it's solo!

And so it came to pass that the countes- wait, wrong game.

So it came to pass that the mailwoman saved the world!

After a small fumble in The Last King (where Stella was defeated for being too greedy, but managed to interview almost everyone), Stella passed every scenario with flying colours.

Not that it was effortless (I often had to pilot carefully at the end of each scenario), but... I see why she is beloved, especially with Quick Learner!

As for the cards in this deck, and why TCU... TCU gave me access to the Cleaver (a valuable fighting tool - though the horror focus was a tad more harsh than I expected), Track Shoes (which were vital multiple times) and Trial By Fire (a tool I judged - and feel justified for - highly valuable for dealing with The Stranger).

Nine of Rods performed nicely in scenario 6, but was otherwise something of a dud, often coming up far too late to be worth playing. I'd have probably been better off investing that XP in getting the upgraded Rabbit's Feet. With the full collection I might've been better able to leverage the tarot angle.

I think most everything else is self-explanatory :D


Nov 26, 2023 Heroes.84 · 31

Hey I have question how do upgrades like this: "Scenario 1 complete:" I used the Arkham Cards when play but always have "View next deck"

Nov 26, 2023 Prinny_wizzard · 251

I admit I'm not sure, sorry. I think those lines came up because I published the final deck, after upgrading it through all the scenarios? (I didn't enter those lines in the write-up, they're something that ArkhamDB entered automatically.)