Lola Hayes seeker 1.1

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

mimicspider · 9

my first lola deck which seems to work well and a clue getter with a monster fighter to keep her safe so what my main stats come from is dark horse since i read Lola's card like you cant play commit or use triggered abilities that's a lightning bolt or response or a action but things like dr milans +1 book is a passive that its not triggered so its always there even when not his class so if im seeing it right then you can use all of dark horse and have base stats of 4 everything and 5 book with dark horse and dr Milan then use a magnifin glass to get 6-7 book for investigating even when not yellow or red which is very useful.

sorry if its hard to read.

please leave comments so i can make better decks later or if im reading Lola's card wrong


Jul 31, 2023 PJFrigate · 271

I believe your understanding of how she can be played is correct. I might go with doubles of the allies that are most effective rather than so many singletons. It probably needs more economy and I’m not sure how often you’ll get dark horse to fire if you’re actually playing all those expensive assets and events. Most people are petty down on healing and you have a ton of soak, so you might reconsider your choice of spell assets for some r that can progress the game. I hope this is helpful. Lola is an enigma!