Rex Murphy Investigates - Solo

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
Rex Murphy Investigates - Solo 0 0 0 2.0

Vhenom · 1

Trying my hand at a Rex solo deck. Survived The Gathering.


Feb 05, 2017 Nushura · 1

If you are doing The Gathering...what do you need the Strange Solution for?

Also, I assume you resigned? There is no way this deck can beat the last act otherwise

Feb 05, 2017 Vhenom · 1

My initial thought for Strange Solution was having some flexibility with the Test Icon. But you're right, my other versions don't have this card. I was able to succeed with The Gathering with this deck. I got Lita and with her help and the Sneak Attacks did in the Ghoul Priest. For Midnight Masks I ended up with one cultist discovered and a lot of being chased around before being defeated. Working through The Devourer Below now just to see how it goes.

Feb 06, 2017 Nushura · 1

You must have been either VERY lucky or you did something wrong. How could you evade the Ghoul Priest? He has high evade and your dexterity is not that high. Even if you managed to do so twice, Snak Attack is not a combat action, so Lita does not give an extra damage.

Good luck with the third mission. If 5 cultists evaded your options are really low :)

Feb 06, 2017 Vhenom · 1

Mind over Matter helps make the Evade and Fight successes much more reasonable to attain with the skill cards or any other available bonuses. 2 sneak attacks and one successful Fight action does enough damage. So just managing those through a couple of rounds isn't so bad. And yes, for the 3rd missing it's been interesting.

Feb 06, 2017 AlexFrost · 1

Why Strange Solution?