Jim Culver (LtR) Spread too Thin

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
Parallel Jim culver cursed build with Olive Mcbride + Fey 14 8 7 1.0
Inspiration for
None yet

theOceanFrog · 14

This is a first draft of a Parallell Jim Culver that can do a bit of everything in a group with a couple of specialists. I'm concerned that he might be damaging himself too much... eek!


Feb 02, 2024 PJFrigate · 329

Quick thoughts: Will you be able to reliably add charges to the Cat Mask? And does the Sparrow Mask do much for you? I might drop both masks and move two copies of Olive to the main deck. In any case, have fun!

Feb 03, 2024 theOceanFrog · 14

Hehehe, well, I made this deck for a player who is a cat fanatic - there is literally zero chance of her taking that out - haha! She DID get the Sparrow mask into play last night, and that worked well. But, yeah, the Cat mask's recharge option is crap.

What she doesn't have at all in this set is any soak. Luckily, she got some healing from another player or all the self-damage traps in Jim's cards might have taken him out right quick! So, we might have to make a change to drop in Olive, not just for her ability, but also for the sanity soak.

Now, here's a question - Once the Vengeful Spirit shows up and it does it's 2 horror. Can she just leave it to sit in the beyond, taking up one of the four slots? There only seems to be a downside, by trying to kill it - which just discards it (to the bottom of the spirit deck), so it'll show up in 3-4 more turns?